Friday, September 30, 2011

Thoughts and Rambles 9

Thoughts and Rambles 9

by Kevin Yoon on Sunday, October 10, 2010 at 1:05am
Today, I declare to myself a resolution. Why do I choose this day? Well, the least important reason is because of the date. October 10, 2010. In numeric form, 10/10/10. And since 10 is one of my favorite numbers, might as well start today. To bad this isn't my 10th note. To move on to more important matters, I've been noticing a lot and reality is hitting me hard. School is much hard than what it once was. I'm still in the same mind set and it's getting me no where. I need to start picking myself back up, and take the initiative to make a change to my study habits. I need a change. I need to change. But to what extent? I've also noticed in myself that I have changed in personality. I miss the old self. The old me. However, I still need to change the old me. What I'm trying to say really is that I need to change the academic part of the old me and regain the personality of the old me. I would also like to regain the physical state that the old me was in. I'm out of shape. But that's really besides the point. I need to take a step in the right direction. As of right now, I'm stumbling and falling hard. But as the old proverb goes, "Fall seven times, stand up eight." I've got so much on my mind. I need to lay it out on a more organizable fashion. But, it's harder than it seems for me. I just need to get myself to work. I just need to stop worrying and do something about it. I have to take care of myself. Life has changed. I must too. But I must also know where I am to change. Where are we heading? What are we heading for? What is the cause? Destiny? Is destiny something we can make or control? Or is it just out of our reach? So many questions. So many worries. So many thoughts. I need a break. A break from myself. A change for myself. The resolution starts now. Get to it Kevin.

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